Soviet astrophysicist
Armenian historian
Wikipedia co-founder and American Internet entrepreneur
American computer programmer who developed the first wiki
President of South Africa, anti-apartheid activist
German biochemist and MediaWiki developer
American software developer
American software programmer
One of founders of Wiktionary and Wikiquote
Danish scientist
One of founders of Wikibooks
French lexicographer and philosopher
Russian mathematician
American–Indian academic; PNAS editor-in-chief
emergency physician and advocate for the improvement of Wikipedia's health-related content
associate professor of management
Executive Director of Wikimedia Foundation (WMF)
queen of the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, and head of the Commonwealth of Nations
Chinese writer of the Song Dynasty
Russian typographer and publisher
Danish clergyman and author
Mexican priest
Belgian Premonstratenian priest
Anglo-Norwegian journalist, translator, and lecturer
Spanish member of the Augustininan Order, professor and writer
Italian Franciscan historian
French member of the Capucin order
German writer
contributor to the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia
German priest
American neuroscientist
Russian businessman
former professor, co-founder of Wikipedia, founder of Citizendium and other projects
Tsar and 1st Emperor, founder of the Russian Empire
German zoologist, ecologist
Japanese civil servant
British mathematician and author
Brazilian diplomat and Director-General of the WTO
French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist
bishop, confessor and doctor of the Catholic Church
Prussian geographer, naturalist and explorer
Christian saint and martyr
American mathematician and information theorist
Russian physicist
Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist